The Scottish Borders

Melrose Abbey

The Scottish Borders, as the name suggests, has been the area bordering England since ancient times. Against a backdrop of peaceful, rolling green hills the castles and abbey ruins of The Borders are testament to their dramatic history.

Some of the must-see sights in this beautiful area include:

• Traquair House, the oldest inhabited house in Scotland

• Melrose Abbey, where Robert the Bruce’s heart is buried

• Floors castle, the magnificent palace of the Duke of Roxburgh

• The mystical Eildon Hills, gateway to the Faerie realm and site of Trimontium, the largest Roman camp in Scotland.

The beautiful landscape of The Scottish Borders is also well known for hill walking, cycling and fishing. There are many excellent walkways such as the Southern Upland Way and St Cuthbert's Way.

Last but not least, the Scottish Borders is the home of cashmere. Come and see the visitor centre of a world famous cashmere maker where you can learn all about cashmere and of course, buy some cosy jumpers.

・トラクエアハウス - スコットランドで人が住み続けている家としては最古の家。1000年の歴史を誇ります。
・メルローズ寺院 - スコットランドが生んだ最も偉大な王の一人、ロバート1世の心臓が埋葬されています。
・フロアーズ城 - ロックスバラ公爵の壮麗な宮殿。
・イールドンの丘 - 妖精の世界への入り口と呼ばれる場所。スコットランド最大のローマ人基地があった場所でもあります。



Traquair_house The_Scottish_Borders

The_Scottish_Borders Jedburgh_abbey

Photos: Melrose Abbey
Traquair House • The Scottish Borders
River Tweed • Jedburgh Abbey

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