STGA logo1Member of the Scottish Tourist Guides Association・スコットランド観光局公認日本語ガイド
Blue Badge Guides:
Blue Badge guides are fully qualified tourist guides. In Scotland they are all university trained in an intensive training course over two years.
About Me Kyoko Atsumi2 Kyoko Atsumi3
About me:

My name is Kyoko Atsumi. I am a Japanese tour guide and member of The Scottish Tourist Guides Association [] with a huge passion for this beautiful and fascinating country. I am one of only two Blue Badge guides living in Scotland who are qualified to lead tours in both the English and Japanese languages.

Since moving to Scotland in 1993, I have been fascinated by the history, the archaeology, the art, the music and all things Scottish. Due to my extensive knowledge of Scottish history and culture and my passion for sharing this with others I am able to offer you a fantastic and memorable Scottish tour.

My previous work includes co-ordinating photo shooting trips for whisky, golf and web magazines and arranging a filming trip for a major Japanese TV company.

I also work as a translator and interpreter in both Japanese and English. My work covers a wide range of subjects from tourism, entertainment and art to medicine, finance, and politics. I have twenty years’ experience in translation and interpreting work including simultaneous interpreting at an international conference in Germany.

Mobile (UK): +44 (0)7931527911(英国の携帯電話)
Mobile (Japan): =81(0)90 34426650

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